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  • lmao w0w idk i guess i can look at the books

    and if you get Punchy, mine has nowhere to go so you can have him lol
    aaah thank you ♡
    and no i haven't done any art classes x)

    Elmer was one of my favorites on Wild World o: hmmm how about Punchy? c:
    yeah, to keep the villagers in the town, you have to tt to the last time you played so no one moves
    pfffttt no you aren't old xD
    i'll believe that when you're 50+
    rip LOL
    i haven't played for so long omg i'm super busy with art and school ;A ;;
    lmao let it gooooooooo let it goooooo
    but yeah you'll get tired of them eventually ; A ; even if you luff them
    LOL it's hard managing three towns xD
    but i think if you get bored of one, or they just constantly ask to move, it's time to let them go
    and them replace them huehuehueheu
    ahhh Merengue and Skye are so cute D: i don't know how you could let go of either of them :c
    nope <: all free <3
    same with me x.x
    i think i'm getting rid of Skye and Lolly to get Flurry and another villager in Kochi
    ahhhhh nooooooooo my baby!!!!
    she's my absolute favorite villager followed by Marshal <3
    ahaha if you want, i'd love to give you Freya and Lopez, if you'd like!~
    Freya is such a doll, i love her *A*
    Lopez is the bomb <3333333 you are going to have my favorite town LOL
    ahahah thats what we all did i'm pretty sure
    i would recommend not getting Diana and getting Lopez instead x)
    I used SAI aha
    yup, that's definitely 500000000000000000000000 deers in your town ;;;
    who are you getting for your smug then? c:
    phahaha i drew it ♡ it my baby birbyama~ ♡♡♡
    as you can tell, i love kageyama xD
    are you still interested in Lopez? x)
    ahaha Barakamon is super funny <333
    you're gonna love Naru.

    as for the manga, yes it's super funny xD
    theres this girl, and she loves yaoi and she's a complete weeb but there are 4 boys who are competing to get her as a girlfriend
    you'd have to read it omg
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