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  • Ugh I keep missing you! Do you have line or something so I'll actually get a notification when you're online?
    omg hiiiiiiiii
    we haven't talked for so long!! i missed you! how have you been?
    Hey! That would be great! And no prob~ just lmk whenever you're ready :) I hope your hand feels better!
    I'm pretty much enjoying this update. Although I didn't like the idea of getting villagers from the card! What most made me happy is that I saw A LOT of my old friends and dudes online in my bfc~! It feels SO NICE to talk to them after their LONG LONG breaaaak! I am so happy right now!
    Also, if you need anything, such as Sanrio dresses, they seem pretty popular between girl mayors, you HAVE TO tell me! Okay? Understand, Gabiiiiii~!?
    Ah you did, now I feel at least a little easier. Okay, glomp my face all you want~! But be careful, I'd squeeze you like deathgrip if you do! xD
    You'll probably have them by then though lol! The cards get here in December but I'll still let you know :)
    Okay! Yeah I see that everyone is crazy about Sanrio atm. Maybe when I get my two Japanese cards I can sell those aswell? Lol
    Recently yes, but beforehand I used to be on this website with my sisters game! So I'm familiar with it. :)
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