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  • Hey! You wanna visit now? :) unfortunately, my town is only half-done, so you'll have to put up with that hehehe
    Out of curiosity, would you be interested in doing island tours later? I could get a group together and we could do a 4-person tour fest haha
    Yeah! I'm trying to collect all of them, but I still have 7 to go (I think.) I own Zelda I & II, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, A link Between Worlds, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, Oracle of Ages, Spirit Tracks, and Tri Force Heroes (I don't think I'm missing any, but I might.) Which games do you own?
    I have an N64 with the original, I have the Zelda: Collector's Edition which comes with the first two, Ocarina and Majora's, and then I have the 3DS copy as well haha. Kinda excessive really.
    Zora, for sure. I like Fierce Deity, but only using it in boss rooms makes it kinda pointless :/
    Alrighty, sounds good! P.S. some other favorites of mine are "Deku Palace," "Song of Healing," and "Final Hours." :)
    Maybe in a few hours, I've had soo much work lately I haven't had much free time :/ If you won't be around then, I'll probably be on more tomorrow! :)
    That's a difficult choice, but I'd have to say the Stone Tower theme. it's just so dark and ominous.
    Yooo, we have the same town tune! (The Song of Storms.) Majora's Mask has always been my favorite Zelda ;)
    Hi, I just checked my board and saw you offering the cabin set! I'm still interested in buying if you have ordered anything. What's your asking price? :)
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