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  • OMG CHEVRE IS NOW IN MY TOWN T^T I needed room for another dreamie... UGH. I always get everyone's auto void.
    So you will be able to pick up Shari today?:) and you can do a giveaway if you want ^___^
    Np. I am still sorry it took so long you thought I went inactive. LOL. Thats funny. It's just my dreamies are all there T-T I have 2 other people who reserved villagers in my main town, so HOPEFULLY I can get them out immediately... I want my dreamies >___<
    No, of course I am still active!:) I have 3 towns, 2 cycle and my main. I actually had to update my thread, notifying people that if they reserve a villager in my main town {Creative} it may take a while because all my dreamies live there... So before Shari pinged to move, I had ALL of my dreamies except Zucker request to move first... So thats 6/7 T^T I am very careful with my main town. I am sorry, but I can hold her for a few days ^___^
    id imagine ur icon as a dom. like he could probably be a bear for u. do u want me to find nsfw of the angry dude.
    you know how people jack off to the little emotes in inside out? do you find the angry emote guy sexy? is he your type of man dylan
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