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  • yeah i dont need it myself, touch is okay. i can chip in some extra tbt for the effort as long as you lemme know the total (we talked sometime ago and i posted a lot since then so yeah sure c:)
    yeah i bopped out of gts so i should be as long as you got me on the FC.

    Trying to complete my alola dex but people ask for such dumb things i'm not even.. needing a garchomp real bad though lol.
    Also yeah if you want to get me the Eevee or such it's alright and I'll pay you for it, but if you feel stressed or busy it's totally alright :)
    Hey, sure I can be on now :)

    And yeah I actually got a Shiny Umbreon so unless you really wanna get it for me you don't have to. I'll pay for the feebas/milotic and no nickname is needed :)
    i'm good.
    what Christmas events ?
    what now about colouring ? :p ( i don't understand that part )
    Sounds good! And let me know if you want anything for Merengue! Let me know when gates are open and Ill come over
    I love her, so I dont mind, It just wont be Alice from Saffron coming to pick her/ the items up, it will be Crash from Wumpa!
    No worries, I'm opening my gate for another delivery if you want to drop by. Remind me of the price please lol
    alternately, i should be done with my dailies in about 40 minutes to an hour. so if you can be ready by then we can do stuff then. otherwise i can definitely be ready tonight
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