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  • no thats perfect! feel free to send me a message when you get the items, no hurry ^_^
    how much tbt would you like in return?
    Hi, thank you so much for remembering! I'll open my gates now and wait patiently for you! Joseph in Freebird. Thanks!

    I forget, what did I say I owe you?
    Hello! Let me know when you're online so that I can come by to your town for drop off!

    I'll be online for most of the day, but if you give me a time frame, it would be helpful!

    I still have your mermaid screen that you've requested!
    oh goodness im so sorry i saw this so late !! would it be alright to ask you to hold it for me for a bit? my charger isnt working and im waiting to get a new one so i cant play until then ;;
    Awesome! I'll be online to trade until 5pm est today and tomorrow I won't be busy at all. Thank you!
    My fc is 1762-3015-6630 and my mayor's name is Twiggy
    im open to do the items for 5 tbt anytime tonight or tomorrow morning! just let me know when ^^
    Naw, don't worry about it. I'll enjoy it regardless. I can't imagine it will be too different from the original run. I figure it will be mostly the same, but with additional scenes and episodes to cover new things. Still hyped for it!
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