• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

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  • Lol that is fine. Take your time, if you do want to visit Ellie's RV I can load her onto my other ANCL game, as I have two copies.
    Hi! I can still get you all of the items- yes! That'd be 8 tbt as it is 2 unordorables and 4 orderables!
    I can get you everything if you want, I pay only 3 coupons each item so I can get it all no problem!
    hello? I'll be available for the rest of the day c: may I know what dogs you have on my wishlist? also, i won't be needing the game shelf anymore, it appeared in my nooks when i came on today. thanks!
    You're welcome! And if you want to get more than you can I can always try and get it for you!
    Hi! Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, I have Rover in my campground and I'll be on for another couple of hours or I can call him back up tomorrow, let me know ^^
    Do you need anything else like gem rocks or red or yellow flowers cause I've lots of those
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