ahlees Jul 31, 2017 The storm turned out okay, it only flickered my lights this time! I'm ready for you whenever, I'll open my gates up so you can come whenever you like.
The storm turned out okay, it only flickered my lights this time! I'm ready for you whenever, I'll open my gates up so you can come whenever you like.
Hazel Jul 30, 2017 That's fine, pm me when youre online so I'll get an email notification and I'll do my best to get online
That's fine, pm me when youre online so I'll get an email notification and I'll do my best to get online
ahlees Jul 30, 2017 Are you there? I'm still waiting but a storm's about to hit my town so I don't know how much longer I'll have a stable internet connection...
Are you there? I'm still waiting but a storm's about to hit my town so I don't know how much longer I'll have a stable internet connection...
whattheheck123 Jul 30, 2017 Oh, I have your items ready. I can open my gate if you want to get your stuff now!
lemoncrossing Jul 30, 2017 Hi! Sorry for not seeing this until now! D: Is it okay if I come drop off your items in about 5-7 minutes? Again, sorry for the delay!
Hi! Sorry for not seeing this until now! D: Is it okay if I come drop off your items in about 5-7 minutes? Again, sorry for the delay!
lucyhannahg Jul 30, 2017 Hey! so sorry to be a pain BUT I JUST DUG UP A STEGO SKULL! and feeling incredibly lucky, so i don't need to buy the fossils now! so so sorry to be a pain!
Hey! so sorry to be a pain BUT I JUST DUG UP A STEGO SKULL! and feeling incredibly lucky, so i don't need to buy the fossils now! so so sorry to be a pain!
Pandemonuim Jul 29, 2017 That's perfectly fine, sorry for the mix up haha. ^^ Just VM me when you're available.