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  • oh my gosh I am so sorry I've been so busy D: We can do the trade whenever you're next online, I'm opening my gates right now
    oh hi! omg no worries about the wait- i dug up the fossil i needed just yesterday, so i'm good now! thanks for following up w me though :blush:
    Sorry! I recently found a use for all the things i was selling, so sorry, if Harvey sells me another moss ball i will let you know asap!
    Oh sure that's no problem! Don't worry about it~
    Just let me know when you can ^^
    hello! if you're still interested in the board game, counter table, and fish and chips, let me know. thank you :)
    I may not be here, actually, but we can arrange to do the trade later tonight (I'm in EST.) I'll be online anywhere from roughly 8pm to 2am EST
    Right now, I have the lovely bed, the lovely table, the lovely love seat, the lovely vanity, the lovely wall clock, and the lovely lamp. I'm looking to have the whole set :) If there's any other items you're willing to trade me for that I don't have, I'd really appreciate it! Also, yes, tomorrow for the carpet is fine.
    hi! i'm available starting now, so whenever you have time as well, just lmk! thank youuu! :)
    i'd love to pick it up! could we do this in around half an hour? i just woke up and have to eat breakfast / get ready for the day hehe
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