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  • ah someone else came over and picked everything up im sorry! thank u so much though!
    Hai friend! Do you still have my items from the wishlist thread? alert me when I can come get them/you can bring them! <3
    hi. i'm not sure if my friend will be available in time, and i won't be able to go on til monday. if you're willing to wait til then, i'd gladly make the trade with you, and if not, i'll understand. i'm really sorry.
    hi! your stuff are currently with my friend who's asleep right now, but i'll be able to get it to you in a few hours. :3
    Hey, I'm resetting now but i'll be bringing your stuff with me so we can still trade after I've reset c: just vm me when you're ready
    haha yeah i try to be quick :)
    make sure you add me back, & im going to open my gates now!
    tow name is Sematary
    Hi, did I forget to give you the blue-dotted dress? If I did, I'm so sorry and I can drop it off to you if you still want it.
    oh goodness, that's even more awkward. i remember when some random person came into my friends town when i was there and i just hid in one of the houses :p you're welcome! if you ever need signatures or anything and i'm online, feel free to vm me~
    that was probably the single most awkwardest thing that has every happened to me on acnl :p tell alex i said hi! ahaha
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