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  • Ah it's okay!! I'm totally fine trading in my town I just wanted to check! I'll go open my gates again ^u^
    Okay I was super quick omg, also may I go to your town instead? I'm trying to get my badge so it would help me out! c:
    Sorry I was out for a minute! I'll get back on and open my gates ^^ all I ask is you don't pick up stuff and you don't talk to villagers! Tysm! Also you can just plant the flowers right infront of the train station
    by the way, can i just time travel to get him, and then go back to the the date i started on?
    yeah, i eventually just skipped 2 days each and 2 people moved out without me even knowing lol
    uhh.. one of my villagers was rumored to leave and i wanted the date. so i talked to him... thats probably bad right?
    its been like 8 days or something of time travelling, probably due to the new villager in town
    i ended up getting a villager from 9, whoops. should i just keep talking to my designated villager till someone moves out?
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