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  • It's me again >< how's it 9 pm your time? should be online again by then, but I need to sleep now ;u;
    Hi! could you let me know when you're free to do the trade? I'll send the tbt when you're online :D
    Woah it's hard to catch up LOL, my time zone is CET and I had a birthday party so I couldn't pick Bruce up ;u; Now is 2 am, I'll try to get up early so that I can pick him up after I wake up (should be 11:00/12:00 pm in your time zone.. If we don't catch up, I'll pick him up in (your) afternoon tomorrow, which is my evening/night time c:
    Reply if you read this, so that if I wake early and I see that you saw it, I'll force myself to wake up lol
    Sorry about that I misread! Would it be alright if I just got the golden watering can for 15tbt? :)
    I just got home so I'll be on for a few hours.

    But we have until Wednesday I think so there's no rush.
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