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    Pm me whenever Fauna is ready and how much tbt you want c:
    ah okay its like 2:34AM right now but ill be on all day today. Just let me know when your online, I'll add you in the meantime!
    ah yeee, but my gates are open though lols ohk I'll make a bigger order for tomorrow or whenever heheh thx
    Alright, cool! I'll add you and open my gates. There's a lot of stuff immediately outside my train station, but if you follow me when you get here I can take you to a place where you can drop the sets- thank you so much!
    Hey, sorry I missed you yesterday! I'm available for the next 2 or so hours now, and I'll be available later in the day tomorrow too if you can't trade now. That being said, I'll send the TBT now so you know I haven't forgotten!!
    Sorry I missed you! My internet is futzing in and out but I know I'll be around tomorrow. Again, apologies~
    Yes 20 tbt is great! Can I contact later tomorrow if possible? I have school to tomorrow and I'm going to bed now.
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