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  • i did the same thing, then managed to sell some at discount, but then disaster- sent 3 to an inactive user by mistake.

    do i really wanna pay 50 bells for a correction to get them back? still deciding...
    Alright! It's a coincidence that I'm trading with you bc I was deleting friend codes and I deleted yours! Haha x'DD
    I added you back though, opening my gates now! :33 Look for Melanie of Buchanan! c:
    sure! give me a few to figure out which one it is in inventory (life would be easier if inventory showed the date/time stamps)
    It was 20 clovers c:
    So we have those, the items, and Zucker! Woooo X'DD Sorry for making you have to run all over the place! ^^;;
    i have my tasty cakes exposed- lemme know which one you want. i'll probably put a smart-alecky message on it tho so be forewarned...
    Yeah! And I was looking through our past VM's, but remember the clovers I paid you to get but the connection was iffy? O__O Do you wanna try to do that too? Or no? o:
    //sorry, twas doing the dishes XD;;;
    Congrats on winning your choco cake! You totally deserve it. (And you said you wouldn't win ha)
    double post due to lag. i havent gone back to look closely at the giveaway thread-- i think i was the highest poster with no prize= biggest loser... Please sign my petition for a re-count! justice must prevail!
    congrats on your choco cake win. please vm or pm me when you start your popsicle giveaway. my tears make the index screen too blurry to read...
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