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  • I'm opening the gates now and then I'll send over the tbt. Also there's a basket of perfect oranges for you on the ground. :)
    I've added you, and I'm sending the TBT your way. :3 lemme know when the gates are open plz
    Hey, I'm sorry about the late reply. I just saw your message, does your offer still stand for the bush starts and saplings ect?
    I'm so sorry!! I didn't realize you were on PST when you said that. When you're on again let me know, I'll be checking back often. :)
    You're most welcome, glad you like it ^^

    Supernatural is the best! glad to meet another fan on here :eek:
    Oh,No of course not! I'm removing her from my list,thats why she didn't have a tier (meaning shes mine or I wanted to remove her) Oh and I'm on invisibility mode. I did say Freya moved in but i remebered I just need a zen path then I have my perfect town :D Do you know if anyone can make me a cool path?
    gosh, i got home waaaay past schedule. Darn trains...
    anyways, are you up for a delivery/pickup (whichever you prefer)? if it's feeling late for you it'll be cool if you wanna sleep.
    Okay on my way! - also forgot to mention that I'm coming to get him with my cycle town because my main town is full atm and there's a void. Is that okay?
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