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  • We never settled on TBT. How much should I transfer to you for all the lovely DLC? I really really appreciate the trade.
    Oh, it's okay. You are super busy with trades, so take your time. I'm just happy that I found the DLC available for trade.
    If you don't mind, can you please plant the pink roses in my pink rose group and the purple roses in the purple rose group? (I have no idea if i'm saying this correctly in English xD)
    Great! There's no hurry at all :) VM me whenever you're ready! My sister took the 3DS, so I haven't added your FC yet, but it'll only take a moment when you VM me again that you're ready.
    Sure! I'll open my gates, come over whenever. Also just making sure you saw my post in the thread, I no longer need the hybrids and concrete wall c:
    You have Peanut? Sweet! But I can't adopt her, because my town is full. My first town still has a vacant slot, though. But I'm too tired to pick her up now. Could you hold her off for me?
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