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  • afternoon tea set
    classic sofa
    dream catcher
    honeybee chest
    lily lamp
    lady palm
    lily record player
    veggie basket
    12 grape plate
    violet screen

    These are what I still need that you offered ^_^
    Hi! Sorry I took so long to reply, I finally had time to go back and look at what I still needed from my Wishlist and update it. I ended up getting the sloppy & sweet set from someone else, and I got the bottled ship & sunflower stereo for all the best other items you offered how much TBT would you want? ^_^
    hey i can pick up those flowers now if you still have them. Sorry I'm like a day late but if you can't get back to me ill be online tomorrow at 4pm EST
    sorry, my boyfriend has gotten obsessed with the game and wouldn't leave the damn island lmao five more minutes and i'll have the gate open
    I'm not sure if that I will available during that time because I have a lot of homework but I should get it done by then so ,yeah after 4:30PST (7:30 for me) should be fine!
    I'm in CST. I think I can trade any time today. Just let me know when I guess. If I'm not online, just private message me so my email pops up. thanks :]
    I'm off to work in about an hour, and then I won't be available until late tonight. Are you free now, or would you like to trade later?
    I can come now! Also I'll be picking him up with my cycle town and void isn't clear if it's okay with you :3
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