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  • Thanks so much again!! :D

    Also, just a friendly suggestion:

    U may want to try making a new thread for your giveaway since, from what I've seen anyways, people tend to not check threads as much once they become more popular, because it's just an instinct for some reason or something (no idea why!) :eek: They may just think that not very much will be left because it's had so many comments or something, so they don't check it. So it may help if u make a new thread. U don't have to though, it's just a friendly suggestion. :3 I hope the advice helps. ^.^
    Sorry, I just got home and saw your message, I have other trades that I promised I would go to first. I'll be with u in just a min, thanks! ^.^
    Aw, Sorry to here that. I don't have a spare but I'll keep a look out for one. c:
    AH, I thought I had added you but I didn't. SO sorry coming now lol
    I went to check the gates and they were closed. I can try again when you're ready c:
    Porter's telling me something's not working when I try to visit. :[

    edit: nevermind, there it goes!
    Thanks! Just added you, I'll be by shortly. Sorry I didn't see the message sooner!
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