A A ACNLVillagerz Mar 23, 2015 If you are in a good monetary state, if you ain't broke, then I would appreciate that very much
A A ACNLVillagerz Mar 23, 2015 I'd be happy to help you out and visit more than twice! How about maybe 10 visits? I don't need anything for the last 8 visits...
I'd be happy to help you out and visit more than twice! How about maybe 10 visits? I don't need anything for the last 8 visits...
RosieThePeppyCat Mar 22, 2015 Yea, gates are open again ^_^ The scammer was about to come lol. Sorry for freaking out.
RosieThePeppyCat Mar 22, 2015 Okay, so sorry for disconnecting you!! There's a scammer on my friends list right now and I'm trying to catch him lol. I'll open again!
Okay, so sorry for disconnecting you!! There's a scammer on my friends list right now and I'm trying to catch him lol. I'll open again!
RosieThePeppyCat Mar 22, 2015 No problem! Thank you! Btw, what's your IG name? Lots of people are online right now lol.
RosieThePeppyCat Mar 22, 2015 I can hold her for as long as you'd like! It would be nice to get some TBT for her, as I'm saving for something that's 9k TBT and I'm almost at my goal!
I can hold her for as long as you'd like! It would be nice to get some TBT for her, as I'm saving for something that's 9k TBT and I'm almost at my goal!
M M Math Mar 16, 2015 Are you free to trade now? Do you want me to host, or can you? p.s. your inbox is full.
rengetsu Mar 15, 2015 if you come across bam or lily in your cycling I would pay tons of igb =) or trade for villagers!
B B Bleeborg Mar 13, 2015 also just in case i didnt make it clear i can stay online as long as i need to so take your time.