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  • I was actually going to post why would someone rate it badly >_> I rated it 5 stars again so hopefully it'll bump up the rating n_n Silly people xD
    I've sent you the bells for the banner~ ^_^
    Also, uh, where did you get your avatar from by any chance? >w<
    it's perfect! i sent you some bells over.
    could i request a tiny change? you mis-spelt Eldin as Edlin c; take your time if you can <3
    sent them :3 you should charge more because they're are amazing nnkhsdj
    Aw that's okay, I don't mind at all! :] I know it will be pretty and there's no rush! <3
    whaat ok for some reason it only let's me send bells on my tabet, I just get a blank box ;-; I will send them promise but I got to sleep before I turn into a zombie lolol ok thanks again <3
    That would be awesome as long as I don't make you too busy haha ; u ; Thank you so much! Take your time :3
    Just to let you know, I have Diana in boxes right now :3
    I'm looking for Bruce and Beau as priority, but also Fang, Skye, and even Marshal =.= But I'm easy to please so feel free to offer! Diana is one of my favourite villagers and I'm so sad she's all boxed up.
    Awwwwwwwww, I'm sorry. I actually really like it and can't find anything to criticize :( Maybe I'm not the right person to go to, but I love your signature! *o*
    Aww sorry for late response! I've been on my phone and can't see your signature clearly anymore. when I get on my laptop, and you still need it, just tell me. Again, sorry. D: But as I remember, it was cute, hehe. But since you need an honest response, I'll just look at your siggy first. ^_^
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