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  • Wait... I just decided to raise the price a bit... would you do 75,000 Bells + Turnips selling for 140 Bells? For a silver axe?
    You have 48 tbt. When you post a message you can see in the sidebar at the left side under "posts:" the word "bells:", that is the amount of tbt you've got.
    Sorry I'm a little late - I was doing things with family and it went a little longer than expected. I'm not sure if you're still available to come over, but I'll open my gates in a minute!
    Also, you can't delete it but you can lock the thread. Right above the top post there should be a thing that says "Administrative tools" or something. If you click that, then click close thread, then proceed, you'll be all set.
    It was 2 blue pansies. And my turnip price today is 57 bells each, so I can just pay you the top price instead
    I offered to pay the last person around 50-100k (my average) How does that sound? I can always negotiate.
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