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  • Awh nooo I disagree, you’re v adorable & it turned out nice and complimentary of your facial features. <3 & tysm I’m so awkward in photos aaaah it took me hours to do that look.
    Hey Hat, just dropping by to say v good work on your entry for Cosmic Cosmetics. So impatient to find out who won. :eek:
    Hi! Just a random message to say that I love your lineup right now! It's gorgeous and the colours are very pleasing to the eye. Congrats on the sweet feather, it's very fitting for your aesthetic

    And omg that's awesome!!! Congrats!! And YES LETS! Here's my FC!
    Friend code: SW-4405-7890-9311

    It was amazing!! Got to see amazing Christmas lights, spending it in Georgia with my boyfriend and his family, ate lots of delicious home made food, and got lots of awesome presents :blush:
    CONGRATS ON WINNING THE RAFFLEEEE!!!! <3333 I'm so happy for you!!!! I hope you had an amazing xmas!!!
    Haha fair enough!
    I'm honestly not a fan of KPop in general. Yeah, kinda sad
    when the fanbase is so big, they can win easily awards, while
    smaller creator have low chances on winning anything. D:
    Omg!! You are just so sweet!!! ; v ; <3 Thank you for thinking of me!!! I'm seriously so happy to have you as my friend! :blush:
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