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  • [Aw don't worry!! I don't mind longer messages at all :) ]

    Yes it can definitely be hard waiting for grades to be posted orz hopefully yours will be up soon though!! I still have to go back up to the university to pick up my final art project to see what grade I got on it ;v;

    Ahh 6 months is a long time! That's good that none of your villagers ended up moving out either though!! I've never taken a break quite that long but I do take breaks from it for months at a time~

    Aw thank you so much, it really does mean a lot!! I still have a lot to improve on but I've been trying to step out of my comfort zone when it comes to coloring and try out new techniques and brushes! And shh your coloring is really amazing ;u; The way that you color eyes is especially really great!! I always love the contrast between the highlights and shading for them~ And LOL yes that artwork is incredible, I can't get over the face on that balloon haha! xD
    I agree as well that art should be fun and creative! It would be nice if more art professors thought so too ;v; That is really great that you're finished with your exams!! And it's good that you felt that they probably went well too! And I know the feel about having to wait to check for when exam scores get posted orz

    I've definitely been on and off with acnl too~ Although I've been working on my town a lot lately, I took a 2 month break from it before then xD Somehow no villagers ended up moving out //phew/

    And aw thank you for taking an interest in my drawings ;u; I have a ton of wips but here are some from recently [☆] although the one on the left still isn't finished just yet! I've also seen some of your recent artworks in the group freebie thread and the works that you've drawn are really pretty!! The colors that you use for shading always work so well ahh

    Also thank you so much for the birthday wishes :D
    Thank you~ I love all of the emojis, I'm smiling so much right now lol ೭੧(❛▿❛✿)੭೨
    Aughh I got distracted by the restock. Yepp I'll send the bells to you. Thank you for reminding me ;A;
    Ah okay! I'm going to be taking 3 art classes next semester, hopefully they won't be too bad though! The art class that I took this semester had quite a bit of a workload ^^;

    Yes animals truly are wonderful ;v; I hope that the two exams that you took ended up going nicely!! Yeah sometimes it can definitely be hard to find things to do over summer break! So far I haven't done a whole lot aside from playing acnl and Splatoon, catching up on anime, and working on artwork~
    You're welcome! No biggie at all, I'm too absentminded today for some reason.

    DID I GAVE YOU THE LEGIT STATUES? I forgot to check before dropping them! ; -;
    That's good that your professor for the graphic design class was nice!! I have taken about 5 art classes so far and the professors could be very demanding :' ) Although one of them was very kind~

    Thanks! I love kitties as well too and animals in general! And aw I understand how it feels to be that tired too ;v; Hopefully you will be able to rest up and everything soon!! I just got done with all of my exams so I'm on summer break now, although it will take some getting used to having so much free time now ahh
    Ahh yeah the 2-3 hour classes are always the hardest to miss. The art classes at my university are always that length and they are very strict about attendance for those //sob

    Thank you ;v; Recently things have definitely been going better! And aww having a kitten must really be a lot of fun, they are the best!! I have three cats and two bunnies, all of them are very sweet~ One of the cats is almost eighteen actually, he has been around for such a long time xD And good luck with your studying, I hope that the rest of your exams will go well!!
    Awe I am sorry to hear that you get sick often as well, I know that it definitely can be hard to deal with! Especially with school and everything ahhh it is so difficult to miss a day of university since there's always important things going on

    Also sorry for the late reply, sadly one of my lop bunnies passed away recently along with some other things so I was feeling really down ;o; I've been doing a lot better lately though, so I'll be all right! Especially since my other pets have been cheering me up and I got half of my final exams out of the way //phew/ just one more week to go
    Thank you so much ;v; I get sick quite often but hopefully things will get better soon! And I hope that your finals will go nicely as well!!
    That's fine! I have not been too active on here lately either, college finals have been keeping me busy and have also been sick all week ;v; It's been rough LOL but things should be a bit better after this week is over~

    I hope that things are going well on your end!!
    Thank you! I hope you're doing well too!

    I've been working a lot since I last messaged. ;; 9 hours of standing is more tiring than I thought... But at least I'm earning myself money which is good. Recently we had a staffing soldier come in to school from the U.S Army and told him I was interested in joining. :eek: Though I have been thinking about it and it seems I wouldn't be able to handle such a big responsibility yet.

    How have you been?
    Yeah it is always such a nice feeling trying on a cosplay after it's done being put together~ It's like those times when you work on an art piece for a really long time and it finally gets done :D

    You're welcome, I really do love seeing your art!! And yes I'll have to update it sometime when I get the chance to!
    Thank you!! I am so excited to go to the convention with them ;v; It's a lot of fun to put together cosplays and there is always so much to do!

    Your art is amazing, I love how there is so much variety with the compositions that you put together and how pretty the coloring is!! And aw thank you so much! I will have to update my art thread one of these days since quite a lot of works have been finished since then LOL
    Aw I'm sure that there will be some fun things that you'll do over the summer!! And yes it is going to be so nice to get a break from schoolwork finally ahhh

    For summer break I'm really looking forward to June because I'll be going to an anime convention with Oliy!! Other than that, I would also like to get more drawing done over the break~
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