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  • Heyo!
    Oh it's to fund our senior trip to hawaii~ well only for part of it really.
    Our class sold See's candies but that was to support our own class for a trip xD
    Yup~ Plus, since it'll be my first time going - i'll have nothing to compare it too so it should be great lol
    gonna go to sleep now! (well not really haha) good night c:
    its fine! I'm actually gonna go soon too
    Oh that's probably why i didnt know xD
    Yea, im not one to "support" my school lol I can't wait to leave it! My friend really wanted me to go but nah, i'll wait for my senior year~
    Mm i dont remember if they did or not~
    haha right? Plus the food they serve might not even be good OTL people basically just go to take pictures with their friends. A lot of the seniors don't like it when we don't go because it's not "supporting" the school. = =''
    for both! I hope there'll be another event on tbt soon~
    haha me neither - it is pretty expensive, which i why i don't wanna go. I mean, staying home, watching shows and eating snacks seems way more appealing to me lol. Plus, you have to go get a dress and shoes = =''
    mm ty u.u yea everyone around me seems to be so busy lately! Also it's been pretty boring without any holidays or events happening ;-; Our school is having a formal but i dont wanna go because its $57 for a ticket OTL
    if there is ever anything i can do for you in the future please don't ever hesitate to ask. i'm literally beaming right now. ♡ thank you so much. art makes me so giddy.
    he's so cute i had to resize him and make him a signature doodle. <3
    hope you don't mind but theres a link to your profile there now for credit. :) thank you so much you're so so so kind gahhh
    he's so adorble i'm screaming. did you want tbt or anything for him i can't believe i just logged on and BOOM. i'm so bad at these things. X')
    oh my goodness he's so freaking cute i'm screaming <3 thank you so much your art is so adorable.
    well there was a lot of hw and my dog died last thursday so that was pretty tough - im going to assume that's why i was crying for the days before OTL and i wasn't really in the mood for a field trip on friday. Then I had a history day group meeting on saturday and on sunday i spent all day doing hw. o.o'' seems like everyone has had a lot of hw lately for some reason!
    ah me too =u= last week was really tough for me! I'm hoping this week will be easier~
    Kinda just breezing by, lack of motivation to do much though.

    I gotta pick up a hobby since I've just been laying around doing nothing. I'm lazy though so there's that rip
    Oh that sucks, but you gotta working hard for that $$$

    Okay i guess, kinda just hanging around bored lately you know?
    Hey there~ I've reached you on my waiting list :) Feel free to go post a form
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