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  • I can trade now, I was waiting for someone else but they haven't replied yet.
    Uh also kind of random and noobie but do you know how to hide collectibles? I heard there was an active button/check box or something though I'm not sure xD
    sorry for this amazingly late reply LMAO. totally forgot to reply ):
    and yeah i mean the cold isnt unpleasant! unless youre outside its kinda cosy. but the weather here isnt that great!!
    my internet has actually been getting awful. i think my laptop is on the fritz, it wont last long! its actually getting worse and worse and the distance i have to be near my router for it to work is getting shorter and shorter...
    haha yeah, that does seem to be the way unfortunately!
    oh same here. its just that i think im not following the right people xD
    Actually my mom is slow coming home so I could probably do a quick trade now. :)
    I'll add you, my IGN is Kathy ^^
    Lol no problem mate. I'm pretty bad at them as well. Also these giveaways is why I tried to sell that collectible to you for that amount. I just wanted to give more away. :p Lol
    Hi there! If it's fine, I'll just pick them up from your town. :D Tell me when your gates are opened!
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