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  • yay *highfive*
    oh The Wind Rises~ i've already watched almost all of the other films :c time to start re-watching some again haha
    oh ok ^^; phew
    yes! fridays are my relax days =u= im hoping that i'll have enough time to watch a studio ghibli film before bed tonight~ i always feel sleepy before i even start OTL
    //ahh went to eat sorry
    im doing alright~ im so happy that tomorrow is friday!
    Thanks so much again for the help! It's a lottt more than I expected! Enjoy your bells! <3
    Thanks for the help :3 I've just added your FC and I'll open my gates in a sec -
    Mayor Jules / Town Suspiria
    OMG //I crie every time ;n;
    How embarrassing haha good morning! (I'm heading to school so I'll ttyl)
    wow one week before its due?! xD well i guess the due dates are diff. in uni. since for HS we have one or two days in advance~
    haha woah 18 ^^; w.o.w
    oh yea sometimes i get really stressed out when im behind on an assignment D: and then it just piles up too! haha my mom says that to my sister, though she's only 22 =u= for me its "go to a good college, become an engineer!" LOL
    LOL nah im a pretty forgetful student ^^;
    psst cuz my parents are asian, theyre cray cray
    agh yea we had one question with the Treaty of Paris 178 and 1763 :c i got it right thoh lol
    wha a C is bad to me ... well to my parents
    me too =u= its so hard for me to memorize all these Acts, Ordinances and dates
    i think...at best...i got a C haha
    uh so-so xD i think i just failed my history test thoh :c her tests are really hard >:c
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