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  • Hi, would you be interested in me trading my bloodshot potion + some TBT in exchange for a new dreamy popper?
    Yep, meant to vm you but got distracted sorry! I can set up a trade if you’re available right now
    Thank you so much for the birthday wishes and the TBT gift! I really appreciate it!! c:
    retrovertigo is my favourite too! and anywhere mike goes i would really like to see him honestly. last time i heard he was in the uk was back in 2015 with fnm, hope he comes back at some point. really want to meet the guy but ive heard he can be pretty judgemental loll
    Hey Hatori, I apologize about my inbox being full! I just freed up my inbox if you want to send me a message! :D
    a friend recommended me to listen to angel dust and ive been hooked on his projects ever since! out of all of them though mr. bungle is my favourite. california is my favourite album of all time, shame theyre not together anymore.
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