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  • All the suggests have been a great help ^^. Usually we find anime suggestions through some sort of "Top Anime Sites" but a lot of really good ones probably aren't listed, or the lists themselves are based off of them being popularly viewed VS. high quality xD. Don't worry about action anime suggestions though xD. You've been really helpful in providing some titles that I've never heard of :D.

    I haven't seen Btooom or Akagami no Shirayuki-hime though o;. What are they about o; ?
    Ironically enough, we've already seen Blue Exorcist and Durarara (and the first twelve episodes of Durarara x2) and we LOVED them, especially Durarara XD. My Skype picture at the moment is Masaomi Kida xD. We just started watching Fate/Stay Night too - but the older one. I think we'll end up watching the newer one after that since I heard that they're only similar xP.

    I've never heard of the Noragami or Bakemonogatari series though o;. I'll definitely have to check that one out xD. Since you like horror animes, have you seen Future Diary? That anime was really good but it was really dark and very mind-bending most of the time xD.
    I'd love to see your talent some time ^^! Are your drawings digital or with a pencil?

    And Rei and I really seem to go for the action/romance/supernatural splices xD.
    Aw :c. I don't mind subs but I definitely prefer dubs only because I get so distracted reading what is being said that I feel like I miss a lot of the design that goes into the visuals in animes xD. What other animes have you seen? Rei and I are always looking for more interesting ones to watch on our spare time ^^.
    O; I'm betting that anime is really good then xD? Is it by any chance english dubbed ^^?
    Well I'm glad that you're reaching out to others ^^. I wish I had more confidence to do the same xD.

    Anyways, I'm wondering but... your avatar somewhat reminds me of the art from the game Catherine o;. Where is your avatar from if I may ask o; ?
    Oh not at all xD. It's nice to befriend other users on the TBT ~ it's just I'm usually too shy to make the first step xD.
    in my science class someone was flirting with the skeleton model. I found it humerus
    Ahh I hate it when people name shines bad names :'p like Garchops name is "deeznuts." its funny but come on XD
    Hm, I like the white shines like the Aurorus shiny.
    erh. Maybe I'll wait and see the gameplay before buying it.
    Oh how cool :'D
    omg x'D I'm probably going to get a Hoopa and a ton of shinys, gotta look out for the pokémon threads.
    aw, I do hope you can roam free like catching bugs/fish and etc.
    I know, I got a shiny LVL100 Garchop in wonder trade and I didn't even notice until I put him in battle c;
    Same here ;;
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