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  • Hi! Remember me? It's been a while but I was wondering if you still want that chibi that you commissioned?
    Oh, is it okay if I add you on Discord? Me too... Skype is too inconvenient.
    Ohh, I was wondering about Twitter or something of the like. Hm... Is there no IM you have?
    Yeah, I think I know what you went through... orz

    Which sites do you use again?; We can share our works with each other.
    Oh, but how is school going for you? I remember you having a lot on your plate. For me, the damage isn't too bad and I only lost power for 21 hours. My area got extremely lucky. I think I improved (at least somewhat) since you last saw my art. I noticed you have too. !!
    I'm trying to work on not being elusive... (Also Irma is over with. \o/) My sister bought a tablet. So, maybe I can try drawing one of your OCs when I get the chance. How are you?
    Finished your drawing! Check it out ^-^
    It was really hard to do him and try to keep most of the details, but it was a nice challange!
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