Hermione Granger

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  • we gotta buy you some snow shoes. omg. can i come to your place? i wish we had snow! lets build an igloo.
    Her eyes is her bow. I was thinking of her having a eye on her face as well but idk.
    And not yet! I was too busy getting sprites done(sig) of my oc
    thanks c; zoe is one of my personal favorite characters out of all five seasons of AHS, so i have pics of her pretty much everywhere spread out on other forum boards x'D and i feel like the third season wouldn't have been as good if taissa farmiga wasn't involved
    oooooh ah
    i wasn't specific-sick talking
    i was thinking of a fusion between my two fan-gems lmao

    but for the show, i think they said her and garnet would fuse jade but i'm really confused by the concept of fusion. first it sounds like trust but then it sounds like sex-
    Ohh cool :D Those songs are dank for sure. "People are Strange", "Crystal Ship" and "Indian Summer" are really awesome too :)
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