Hermione Granger

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  • Oh great! I'm also online ^-^ i have a delivery now, but if you want to open your gates i'll swing by after?
    Hi! No problem at all, i can change your duck for the TV and add on the rolling cart. I shall be online today so will watch for you :)
    yeah I was gone. I fell asleep, sorry :eek:
    There are two solutions:
    1) I try to find someone who helps me getting the items from the one town to the other, and I open over night
    2) We try again earlier.. I won't be able to stay awake until midnight again until next weekend, and I mostly go to bed at around 10PM CET (= 4PM EST)
    Just tell me what you think will fit the best :)
    Hey, are you soon online?
    I'm ready!
    Please put the bells in Phirone.
    You will first come to my 2nd town, Zhaun, since there is most of the Items.
    And then you will need to come to my Main town Phirone, where I can give you the last Item + you give me the bells. Thank you! ^-^
    Hey, sorry it was becoming quite late yesterday. :(
    Today I will be at home 100%
    When will you be available? 6PM EST again or earlier? :)
    Open :)
    Feel free to do visits again for sure! I'm waiting on the Sanrio cards in the mail rn, but once they arrive I can do those as well.
    Oops that won't work - Celeste won't come either (I'm not far in it). Was there anyone else you wanted before we switch towns? (Main: 3394-3808-8530 )
    Ok I guess I can't summon Kappn on my mini town? It didn't work. But I can summon him on my main if you want to go there after. Do you mind doing Celeste first on the one you've been going to while I get my main ready (I have to do a couple things before I TT)?
    Open again - are you having connection problems on your end, or do you think it's on my end?
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