The Pennifer May 16, 2016 Lulu is just awesome TY for asking ... Here she is checking out my prized orange azaleas!
focus May 15, 2016 EW OMG i never went through an UWU;; phase thankfully but i DID go through a xD phase
K K Kirbystarship May 15, 2016 Maybe I can buy it again when I resell the exstra stuff from the restock if I do get any.
K K Kirbystarship May 15, 2016 I like the Candy egg. I need a lot of TBT for the restock and some exstra so I can resell it and make more TBT like everyone else.
I like the Candy egg. I need a lot of TBT for the restock and some exstra so I can resell it and make more TBT like everyone else.