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  • I'll be on for the rest of the day so I'll request a 24hour extension!
    I don't really check bell tree forums a lot when I'm on my computer so if you send me a f.r on skype or drop me a message on there I'll know when you're online! my skype ID is wrothly

    i await our battle!
    Nope, sorry. She has already been adopted. I have genji that will be moving some time soon if he interests you?
    Good news! Finished your signature and it is currently posted in my shop. Please check it out and leave any feedback there! Also listed how to use the code just in case~
    Hey! I accepted your offer and will work on it tomorrow. Make sure you pay the tbt so I can post when finished. TY :D
    Hey acorn! I updated your request in my shop. Please check it and use the form so i can help you build up the signature you want.

    Once you respond and post.. I will begin thank you!
    You're welcome. :p I have no idea how much TBT is generally worth though, but his OP says 100-350 for a villager. If he says no I can send the extra 100.
    :p It's fine. I never really use my TBT so every now and then when I see someone using it to get something for their towns I add some.
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