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  • Of course not, that's why I left the QR codes there for everyone to use :). However if you do could you tell me when it's ready so I can play :)?
    ahghjdfd i cant thank you enough seriously youre so super sweet,,, -hUGS TIGHT- if theres anything i can do for you please tell me ;v;!!
    i read on the price guide that january would be 1.5k or so?? im really thankful that youre doing this for me also ;___; sobs,
    Woah! You were like 4 hours ahead of me! :eek: It's 3AM here now.

    Sorry for late reply, I had to do something >o< Good night Hikari!! It was so great talking to you again :D
    Oh right, I completely forgot about that, haha. But yeah, no worries, I live in NA :)

    So much thanks (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ I'll download it when I get home, I'm at cousin's house this late wah
    Awww thank you so much, can't really thank you enough but thank you :D Now I'll see what it's about :D
    Aww, well I was thinking maybe you have someone in mind to give it to, but if it's for me, awww thank you so much <3 If you don't mind then, I'd want it ^_^
    OH really?! :O Well, I don't wanna waste your demo code on me if I can download it without needing a code. Thanks so much Hikari!! :)
    Woah really? Wait, you need demo codes? :eek: //I've never really downloaded demo games..

    Ooh, no worries, take your time! xD
    Yeah, I also haven't been motivated to watch anime, I just stick with the manga. But I hope those will fit your category :)

    OHHHH I see, I want to check it out so bad, maybe tomorrow. :)

    oh man yeah, you can try the demo, I think they have it. So many new games and other things to buy @_@ But I'm broke as frick too.
    Awww ye :D Both are good, I hope you like them!

    OHH awwww I thought you actually like get to see and play other people like in AC.

    Omg, it really is, you should try it too =_= hahaha i'm sorry i'm making you like do everything but AA is amazing!
    I know D: Not even a word :( Same goes for a lot of people.

    OOOH okay, hmm I'm currently watching HxH, Fairy Tail, Magi, and One Piece, all are amazing but lotsa episodes. For shorter episodes you can try Durarara, Baccano, Ao no Exorcist, Code Geass, and Shingeki no Kyojin if you haven't already. This season, I'm eatching Haikyuu and No Game No Life and they're awesome!!

    They live in my island? So is it like sims? Or is it like AC where they control it too? Wait.. you can't control your own self? That's odd..
    Also, do you play Ace Attorney?
    Yeah :D I wasn't planning on interacting with people besides Buying/Selling. I remember you and Amnesia hehehe, what happened to her? D:

    Oooh really? What are you into? I'm very much into shounen so I need to know what you like so I don't give you extremely long episodes of anime hehe. :lemon:

    Omg, I saw the trailer D: I've been watching it and seeing posts about it, so do you get to chat with other people and play with them like AC? I really should get back to my AC v_v
    Of course!! You were one of my first few friends on here, I actually only went on here to get like AC stuff (lmao) but then I met you and buncha other people ^_^

    Summer just started like last week for me and I haven't really done anything except catch up to my anime ~_~ And LOL! I haven't bought the game yet but it looks promising, I should get it soon, is it that good?
    Yes, bless summer vacation omg. I've been good as well, I've missed you though!
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