oath2order Dec 11, 2014 The council has not decided to allow the newbies or not. We must convene and debate.
Naiad Nov 28, 2014 Hello hi http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?236106-Roleplay-The-Exiled-MOOOOOOOOOOOOO&p=4202291&viewfull=1#post4202291 Someone supports it :rolleyes:
Hello hi http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?236106-Roleplay-The-Exiled-MOOOOOOOOOOOOO&p=4202291&viewfull=1#post4202291 Someone supports it :rolleyes:
Naiad Nov 28, 2014 u srs just uhm Make him pull away bc he doesn't want to be a replacement for Amos And Ceph'll say something sweet
u srs just uhm Make him pull away bc he doesn't want to be a replacement for Amos And Ceph'll say something sweet