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  • *us okay please remember I worship this piece of adorable meat also
    In Takayama my hotel had it's own onsen. It's interesting, in that you soon get over the whole 'strangers are nude around me' thing. You aren't in each other's space or anything, and you don't really look at each other so it's pretty cool. Although if you have tattoos you need to cover those up or they won't let you in (they think anyone who has tattoos are criminals and they don't allow entry).
    Realistically it depends what you want, although much of it was surprisingly cheap. Anime figurines can be expensive, saw my one of Saber from Fate Stay Night that I won out a claw machine there last time I was in Japan now for sale second-hand for 9800 yen (pretty happy I won her off 500 yen a few years back now)
    Lastly, while not a booking site, Hyperdia is an invaluable tool for catching trains. Type where you are, where you want to go and the date and time and it'll tell you how to get there and the approximate times. I took pocket wifi and planned my trips with this on the fly, it is a precious tool of a site. Take a look

    If you need more advice, let me know
    AirBNB is a place that lets you rent people's apartments for a few days. Sometimes you can rent with a family, sometimes you can rent an empty apartment. Good if you have many people and surprisingly cheap sometimes if you only have a few or yourself. Just remember to read the reviews to see if the place is okay

    Japanese Guest Houses is good for Ryokan or temple stays. The one that this links to is the one I stayed in, although type what you want in the search bar

    Sakura Hotel Hatagaya is a good yet very cheap hotel/hostel with good security and a close proximity to Shinjuku and Harajuku in Tokyo. While not a search site, I will tack it on for your consideration
    Depends. I stayed in about eight different places over my two weeks, one being a place with a private spa and sauna, and others being backpacker hostels with lockable rooms.

    If you are interested I can link you some of the accommodation sites I used to book. I booked it all online, and it saved a ton of money. Plus you can see if they have the room type you want available on the days you want
    Let's see... while all stores have a love of Pikachu, the mascot Pokemon are as follows:

    Sapporo - Piplup

    Tohoku - Victini

    Mega Tokyo (their main store) - Mega Charizard

    Tokyo Bay - Inklay

    Yokohama - Turtwig

    Nagoya - Chikorita

    Osaka - Meowth

    Hiroshima - Shiny Red Gyarados

    Fukuoka - Torchick
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