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  • Nope, sadly the closest would be on facebook x_x Other than that, you can find some forum like threads on with it - but those are mostly for roleplays xc
    I did find my Nagisa! But I prefer seeing him hugging Rei than anything else >O<
    GOOD go go go, find any good ones please send them my way thank you ;3
    NN shy Makobbu can we just take a moment to appreciate how he's such a gentle giant omfg
    EVEN HIS EARS WERE BEET RED OMFG Makobbu is just too precious for this world, waaay waaaaaaay too precious for this world
    We're all Gou at heart when it comes to Makoto's muscles (especially the back ones)
    I feel the same way about Nagisa and it's tormenting meeeeeeee uggghhhhh why must he be so cute and attractive at the same time I just don't understand
    We aaaall do, but that PW where Makoto and Haru just swim in that swirl together kills me, or the fighttttt my heart is being torn </3
    Nnnnnn I watched the episodes as they aired which is some time ago now, but nnnn THE MOVIE THAT'S COMING OUT IS ****ING UNF <3
    Yeah, she saw my sig and I started advertising ;D
    YES THANK YOU <3 I made a friend watch Free just yesterday - PRAISE ME! She immediately fell for Makoto (who doesn't) and ughhhhh Mako please don't smile like that at ussssssss <3
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