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  • let me know when your gates are open I am only going to be on for a bout 15-20 minutes longer, then heading to bed, I have your order ready
    well there seems to be connection issues not just for me, my gates are open so you can try to come but don't send tbt until you are actually in my town.
    would you mine coming to pick them up? I can't seem to leave my town right now, I keep getting failed to connect to partners device on everyone that I go to.
    yes that is right it is 10 tbt I will be back on around 6 pm eastern as I have a few appointments to go to right now but just wanted to touch base with you.
    hi sorry for the late reply I can do your order the next time you are on. I was away form the site all day
    The shopkeeper borrowed my iPad so he can repair the screen, I'm so sorry! Once I get it back, I'll surely do an update :)
    ho...sorry i going to sleep during that time...missing ...i will online 7hrs later...pls come if u still need..sorry
    i have bunny o balloon,red balloon and heart o balloon in hand now ..which one do u like?
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