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  • Yeah, and I didn't even pay, hehe. I offeredall of my bells for it, but Toukoul never responded, but they were online, so I'm just assuming they don't want them. I'm gonna hold a giveaway later and giveaway like 2 ancient candles, a tasty cake, and most of my bells. I'll leave myself with just a bit so I can be prepared for more flower collectibles later hehe.
    Yeah, you can make in app purchases if ya want! For the most part though, it's free c: They also give you free stuff to start with,and I think when you level up too.
    I'd have my mom bangin u-turns every few secs while I hang out the windo with my phone xD
    WELL considering only 69 have actually been released so far, I think, Not much hehe. I have Zubat, Golbat, Bellsprout, Squirtle, Eevee, Weedle, Kakuna, Pidgey, Pidgeoto, Caterpie, Ratata, Paras, Weepinbell, and das it I tink.
    I've caught most of my in the middle of the street xD, getting ready to send you the pic~
    Yeah sure, you might have to use an imgur link tho. This site hates when I try an post pics any other way >>
    I dunno where it came out first, but it came out yesterday for me I think
    Thanks so much! ; v ; I really wish I could claim credit for it haha
    My pixels are getting there tho

    I got it from here
    Sorry my reply's so late. That sucks that it was a bad movie experience. IMO there should be more adults than kids at movies like that anyways. I grew up on the OG Jungle Book. >>
    Nah don't worry about it friendo, I'll see it one day, you just make sure YOU enjoy it :3
    I think it'd be super cute if they did bunny balloons like in the game!!!!
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