Goldenapple Jun 28, 2016 That'd be amazing! My FC is 3738-0340-6328 c: Would you like anything in return?
anp11803 Jun 28, 2016 Ur fine. I will be online for a few mins- an hour , but than I am going to bed. I willl be on all day tomorrow
Ur fine. I will be online for a few mins- an hour , but than I am going to bed. I willl be on all day tomorrow
anp11803 Jun 22, 2016 Sry I wasnt on. Vm me when you are on. btw I will be gone from about 7-9:30pm EST
anp11803 Jun 22, 2016 Hey I know how but I somehow lost the exit sign. I dont know what happened, and I dont want to change the time bc it will cause Apple to move out. I can either give you money back or you can wait untill tomorrow. I am sorry.
Hey I know how but I somehow lost the exit sign. I dont know what happened, and I dont want to change the time bc it will cause Apple to move out. I can either give you money back or you can wait untill tomorrow. I am sorry.