M M M O L K O Nov 22, 2013 no problem c: a lot of people have asked for the sets so I plan on bring them all out and just letting you [3] people in to catalouge c: it'll take 10 to 15 min to bring them all out tho
no problem c: a lot of people have asked for the sets so I plan on bring them all out and just letting you [3] people in to catalouge c: it'll take 10 to 15 min to bring them all out tho
M M M O L K O Nov 21, 2013 hey I'm hoping to finish some trades soon [just waiting on them ugh] but if you're available rn I can quickly grab the regal for you ;u;
hey I'm hoping to finish some trades soon [just waiting on them ugh] but if you're available rn I can quickly grab the regal for you ;u;