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  • o WELL technically pokemon arent animals theyre pocket monsters, which is, to say, not an animal
    it okey man
    i didnt get 100 points until the 7th or smth
    usually i get it on the 2nd day haha
    i havnt even donated a single bug to the museum
    ya i saw ur VMs to/with other people about it :0
    we should totally wifi w each other when i get the chance to lmao
    Spiritomb is good because it's only weak to Fairy. If you do Doubles w/ a Camerupt with Iron Head then you can ensure it won't die due to Fairies. That's why I'd give Spiritomb Protect so it'd give time for Camerupt to take out the Fairy. If you're doing singles, I'd do Sucker Punch because Spirit Tomb isn't that fast. Destiny Bond and Foul Play are good.
    I like Camerupt with a Quiet nature because it's slow. I'd do Earthquake though. Iron Head and Heatwave are fine. Stockpile I haven't really used. I used Protect instead but that was because I was doing Doubles. I just find Stockpile rather dangerous.
    Roserade I haven't had one personally. However, I've seen it with Spikes+Stun which is okay if you want it as a wall of sorts. You could give it some Black Sludge too. I guess it depends on which ability Roserade would have.
    I've had a Torterra mainly because it's probably my favorite grass type Pokemon. My Torterra has Overgrow though. I used it with Synthesis to make it a Tank + Woodhammer.
    Armaldo with Swift Swim doesn't seem necessary because you'd have to make it rain first. I'm not sure I'd do that because it's Rock so it's weak to water.
    What does HA mean?
    Btw, do you want to multi-battle in Battle Masion?
    Are you going to evolve them or are you gonna do a baby Pokemon battle?
    I understand where you're coming from. I won a lot of games with my Weavile and Electivire. Remember when Electivire was the most feared Pokemon ever? Then, things changed and new Pokemon came. New moves, new abilities, etc. As the game changes, you have to change too, I suppose. However, Smogon doesn't determine what a good Pokemon is. I use freakin' Weavile, a "BL" Pokemon. If I were to use it in an official Championship, people would look at me like I'm crazy. However, Weavile sweeps just as good as a Greninja. You learn with experience what you like to use and what's effective. Doing what you want isn't always popular but again, doing the right thing isn't always popular... Again, with experience in Battle Masion and PSS, you'll see what you like.

    I think we actually lost because I messed up when Mandibuzz taunted my Klefki. I really should have seen that coming. I messed up, lol.

    Grab your dongers and chin up :)
    :( It's alright! We can still battle. I can help you obtain shinies and stuff like that. I did with that Espurr.
    let's build a team man
    we can be the double dongers united alliance...league
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