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  • -had to split this-

    I think I definitely over-excited myself. There was a time when I was just regularly driving the bus home weeks before the trip and suddenly I got hallucinations that I'm sitting in the plane LOL. But I felt the reality of it not until the very last few moments of going through the airport gate, especially because it was my first time flying. But I have to say flying was a lot more comfortable than I thought it would be. So many good movies to watch and actually tasting food xD even though I missed all meals on the flight to Japan because I was sleeping during the times they distributed the meals. rip I woke up everytime when they were taking the empty plates back. It was so mean T-T
    Sorry for the late reply!
    Well, as long as you can talk with your friends in peace I guess it doesn't matter which medium you use, so please do not feel bad! If you don't like being here then it can't be helped. But I hope that one day you can have fun here again :)
    yep I've been so busy I NEVER had this experience before because I'd usually never talk to people on the Internet this much, so I never have had this many messages to answer to. It's really strange ^^
    Aw thank you for your encouraging words ^^ it really means a lot!! *huggles*
    please do not feel bad, I tend to do that too xD
    AW again a game that I don't really know of... I never heard of Undertale before. But I assume that you like Papyrus even more than Ness or Lukas? :p
    Finally sent it bb. My big bro should be getting smash on the weekend as a Christmas gift so it won't be long until I can wreck you :)
    AHH please no worries! And sorry for the late reply!
    ..I know that, a lot of friends of mine left or are pretty much inactive because of that. I hope you will find your fun in TBT back! :) After all, TBT means a lot to me :D

    Thank you, Japan indeed was AMAZINGO! :D I did have quite some troubles considering I missed my flight back but I'll treasure this adventure forever. Sometimes I feel a bit depressed because I miss Japan but... I gotta make the best out of being here in Germany until I can go there again ^^

    oh thank youu!! ^//^ You're flattering me xD People keep telling me I improved so much, that I'm beginning to think that I was really terrible beforee D:

    nah it's okay! You did it because I seemed like a japan wannabe... which.. I kinda am.. but.. uhh UHH let's just forget it xD I like you nonetheless so no worries at all! :D I have seen you made some pixel art again too! I hope you will find fun in it again :)
    Well there is an ending where he rules over the monsters but I get what you mean! XD he's an outstanding skeleton!
    hug through the PC screen!! (but really, do you want to change it!)

    Papyrus is always adorable, this isn't news!
    (P.S. doesn't look like the Papyrus username is taken....i could give u tbt to get a username change if you'd like? i know you like ur Hyogo username tho :3c )
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