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  • Ohhh, definitely is xD
    But it was more like a mine field. Every space was covered in bananas.

    The worst is when it's right behind a coin. I fall for that 70% of the time..
    Aghhh, I knowwww. I gotta play some solo to get used to it. I forget the buttons. I just started doing tricks recently too, really helped there too xD

    We once played with bananas only, it was a total death pit dude.
    Yeah, depends on how much you get f***ed by items too.
    Usually I'm first, but always get those random horrible 7th rankings cuz I get raped in the butt by 50 billion shells by like 3 characters one right after the other @ _@
    I was close sometimes though. I never drift which is probably why I mess up so much, I just always hated drifting (ironic since my dad used to be a drifter irl, lol) so I get lazy and just press the sh!t outta my L stick.

    Omg rambles
    Oh, nahh. Not into the mic chat yo. Especially with my bro, he'd prolly annoy the crap outta you with his "(insert a character here)!!! I'MA MURDER YOU!" every 5 secs - .- lol
    Getting on too ~
    Uh, whatever you wanna do I guess xD I usually just play with my bf or brother lol.
    Bro might play too if that's ok, not sure if he will cuz I think he's technically grounded, but dad might be taking a nap so he'll probably try to sneak on haha.
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