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  • Yea it does. In the quest description it says to protect the "suit" so I'm assuming they'll give it too you. I hope the nerscylla is as easy as the one we rekt last time
    Tha name is beautiful please do it. Also yea you can join since it works like all the other quests. Just sign up for it at the board

    Also if you don't have the wroggi set we can get that too with the guild quests I got
    I see Mudkipz is on, if you can get on as soon as possible, that'd be great. Wanting to be in bed within the next half hour. Edit: Never mind, I'm off to sleep, sorry. Got to be in work again at 10.
    Uhh I read you give your friemd the items then the person hard resets and they'll still have their items and so will the other person. Idk if it'll work though since I'm not sure how to give oeople items
    Ohh yes forgot you could do that. can't you duplicate items through friends? Saw it on reddit. If so mind helping me with the data thing :p
    I just realize if I make the cannon I'll need to make gunner armor ****
    I might use the star rook armor for it though
    Pretty sure the first samus quest only gives the cannon blaster thing. Idk if they even have a weapon for blademasters ;-;

    Created. Also don't forget the wystone for frenzied momsters
    Nahh it's okay we completed it anyways. Is it really worth getting the set? It seems like a waste downgrading armor and the only good skill I can see is the mounting

    Yea we can try the ridley one
    K am back. Didn't know you could close the gate so I kept dying xD

    What quest do you want to do now?
    I don't think much gr 2 quests are in the dessert or volcanic hollows but I'll check later

    Created again and same pass
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