Thank you so much for taking care of me! HERO HERO HERO.
I'm also sorry for answering this late. I felt discouraged considering many things.
My dad seems ok. I just have that feeling that he feels lonely because whenever he has a (stupid) reason to call someone, he calls IMMEDIATELY. He even continues ringing my sister and asking if she would come for a visit even though they both really hated each other a while ago. And my father keeps talking 24 hours per day and wants me to clean this and that with him. It's annoying but I guess there's no helping it.
I'm sorry that you had to go through something like this! My friend in rl lost her father 2 months ago, too and because we kinda experience often the same things, I already had that feeling. But I'm the kind of person who can let go rather fast, so I'm ok. The situation just irks me a bit because I often don't know how to react to lots of things, for example to the people on the funeral. You know, I'm socially arkward ;-;