C C coolycatty123 Nov 8, 2013 I haven't been watching the series recently, but my parents are obsessed with it! I read the first three and brought all the books, which was sort of a mistake since I never got to reading them.
I haven't been watching the series recently, but my parents are obsessed with it! I read the first three and brought all the books, which was sort of a mistake since I never got to reading them.
K K KarlaKGB Nov 7, 2013 Our conversation, obviously. The only worthy one (because I'm in it). You think I'm looking at other conversations behind your back?
Our conversation, obviously. The only worthy one (because I'm in it). You think I'm looking at other conversations behind your back?
VillageDweller Nov 4, 2013 "long hair, i don't care" more like blond scare, TRUTH OR DARE R U A DYED BRUNETTE