• My time zone is EST, but I'll probably be up really late (maybe 2am or 3am, if I go to sleep before then I'll let you know)!
    Thanks so much! Is 30 purple pansies and 30 blue roses okay? (If it's too much let me know!) I could pay 60 tbt for it all :)
    Hey, sorry for the late reply! I couldn't be available yesterday because of my internet. :( will you be available on the weekends?
    Hi, I was wondering if I could buy as many blue roses and purple pansies as I can from you? My friend wants a bunch and she doesn't have any. Thanks so much!
    XD haha thats ok i dont mind. You should see the hundreds of pink and white carnations i have @-@ they are like glitter...they are everywhere!
    Okie dokie! Oh be sure to add me back too >.< and yeah xD Merry comes over to mine like everyday lol
    Probably not :c i have like...no room for it anywhere...i have so many flowers lol. I can pick it up i emptied my storage so i could have room for everything :3
    Lol its ok! Im just glad im online now x3 im in another town atm and i will come right over :3
    Hello! Sorry i didnt reply sooner D: i just woke up! But im ready when you are just let me know :3
    I'd love Kiki! I just need to get stitches/clay to leave :) I did have room for her until stitches decided to randomly show up :/

    If it's ok tho, I won't be home until about 5:45-6:00pm eastern time tho :)
    Ok... well hopefully I can get her late tomorrow then just pm me to check in and give me my deadline for her!
    ok well I'll be on at like 11-noon most likely I'll try to be in on time. wish I could do it now lol I plan on sleeping late bc I've been working a lot etc.
    aw ok, just don't know what time that is for you or if I'll be up :c it's ok I'll lurk for another
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