• omg just found u can roll over the letter icon where u posted on a thread and it says how many times u posted xD
    306 times...
    Ohhh just reread my own post lol xD
    Hmmm sure xD i might sell them though, my mail storage is totally full atm with my junk xD
    Opening gates! My town is a hot mess at the moment so please try to ignore everything on the ground xD
    No worries at all! It's totally fine!!! Whenever you're ready to trade, just vm me. Should I collect items at your town or should you drop them off at mine?
    wow, lol i could never do that...only bush starts/hybrids xD
    my whole town plaza is filled with bush starts from TTing to 5:55am the next day xD + going to T&T
    i think ill sell them soon, not using them anyways
    if its the FC from your sidebar then i have you added- let me know if its something different. my plaza is cleared and opening gate now...
    sure! let me take a quick minute to clear items from my train plaza. also, my FC is 4227-2905-4710 (town Hooptown mayor Billy); i think i already have u added. let me move stuff pls, then i will open gates.
    lol yups
    i already gave up and just used the color i copied and pasted on miily's thread onto urs xD
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