I just saw your post regarding my order about picking it up!
Please let me know when you're online and available!
I'll be sure to pick it up immediately! Thank you! ' v '
(Also, you never told me the total since there was a different deal going on the day before...)
Hi! I'm ready now but I'm still confused on how much TBT I owe you. I'll post my order below, could you just let me know how much for it and I'll send it over
Set/s: 7/11
Items: Cocao tree, Cool globe, cucumber horse, dango, eggplant cow, girl's day up do, hagoita, kimbap plate, rice cake, rice plant bed, Newsprint Helmet, Ogre's Wig, White Police Cap, White School Cap
Hi! Can you make my delivery? c: Also should the price of 27 tbt change since it's no longer each item= 1 tbt? Also can I please modify my order regardless? I'd just like the Aurora screen 5 pink carnations and 20 blue pansies. Thanks so much! Let me know what to pay in tbt